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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rtmpdump. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Rtmpdump is a command-line tool used for downloading videos from various streaming websites that use the Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP). It was primarily developed to capture and save Adobe Flash video streams. Rtmpdump allows users to download videos that are not directly accessible or downloadable through traditional means.

The tool supports a wide range of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Rtmpdump can be run through the command prompt or terminal, providing a simple and efficient way to download videos from streaming platforms.

It requires input parameters such as the URL of the video stream and the output file name/location. Users can also specify additional options like the buffer size, timeout duration, and proxy settings to enhance the downloading process.

Rtmpdump uses a reverse-engineering approach to intercept and grab video streams, allowing users to save the captured media files locally. By analyzing network traffic, it can locate the source of the video stream and acquire the necessary information to download it.

The tool supports various protocols and video formats, including RTMP, RTMPE, RTMPS, RTMPT, RTMPTE, FLV, MP3, and more. It can handle both live streaming and on-demand videos.

Rtmpdump is an open-source software licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). As an open-source project, it has a strong community support base, providing regular updates and bug fixes to ensure its compatibility with evolving streaming technologies.

While rtmpdump was discontinued in 2015, it served as the foundation for the development of other similar tools such as Streamlink and youtube-dl.

Overall, rtmpdump remains a powerful and reliable command-line tool for downloading Adobe Flash videos, offering users greater control and flexibility over their streaming media content.

List of commands for rtmpdump:

  • rtmpdump:tldr:2af3d rtmpdump: Specify connection parameters if they are not detected correctly.
    $ rtmpdump --rtmp ${rtmp:--example-com-path-to-video} --app ${app_name} --playpath ${path-to-video} -o ${file-ext}
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  • rtmpdump:tldr:76580 rtmpdump: Download a file from a server that requires a referrer.
    $ rtmpdump --rtmp ${rtmp:--example-com-path-to-video} --pageUrl ${http:--example-com-webpage} -o ${file-ext}
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  • rtmpdump:tldr:7fcdc rtmpdump: Download a file.
    $ rtmpdump --rtmp ${rtmp:--example-com-path-to-video} -o ${file-ext}
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  • rtmpdump:tldr:b3068 rtmpdump: Download a file from a Flash player.
    $ rtmpdump --rtmp ${rtmp:--example-com-path-to-video} --swfVfy ${http:--example-com-player} --flashVer "${LNX 10,0,32,18}" -o ${file-ext}
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tool overview