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ruget: Download the contents of a URL to a file.
$ ruget ${https:--example-com-file}
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The command "ruget ${https:--example-com-file}" is not a standard Unix command or a commonly used command in any specific programming language. It seems to be a made-up or custom command for a particular script or application. Without further context or information about the specific programming language or application, it is not possible to provide a detailed explanation of what it does.

However, based on the provided command, it could potentially be trying to retrieve a file from a URL ( using a custom or internal function called "ruget". The ${} syntax suggests that it might be using variable substitution, where the value of the variable "https:--example-com-file" is substituted in the command.

But again, without more information, it is difficult to accurately interpret the purpose and functionality of this command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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