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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ruget. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Ruget is a command-line tool designed for retrieving package metadata and resources from the RubyGems repository. It allows developers to interact with the repository directly from their command line interface. By utilizing the ruget tool, users can effortlessly search for gems, examine their metadata, and even download the package files to use in their projects. The tool provides a simple and efficient way to explore the vast RubyGems repository without leaving the command line. Ruget can also retrieve the gem's dependencies, allowing developers to, not only fetch a specific gem, but its associated dependencies as well. It streamlines the package retrieval process and enhances the user's workflow by providing an intuitive and versatile command-line interface. Overall, ruget facilitates an effortless way to search, examine, and retrieve gems and their dependencies from the RubyGems repository.

List of commands for ruget:

  • ruget:tldr:1ef42 ruget: Download the contents of a URL to a file.
    $ ruget ${https:--example-com-file}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • ruget:tldr:f7d95 ruget: Download the contents of a URL to a specified [o]utput file.
    $ ruget --output ${file_name} ${https:--example-com-file}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview