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runcon: Specify the domain to run a command in.
$ runcon -t ${domain}_t ${command}
try on your machine

This command is used to execute a command within a specific SELinux security context.

The runcon command is a utility that runs a specified command with the given SELinux security context. SELinux is a security mechanism in Linux that provides mandatory access control policies, allowing administrators to define fine-grained permissions for processes and files.

In the command runcon -t ${domain}_t ${command}, there are two main components:

  1. ${domain}_t: This is a variable that represents the SELinux security context called the domain. The context determines the level of access and permissions that the command will have. The specific value of the ${domain} variable is typically specified in the script or command that uses this runcon command.

  2. ${command}: This variable represents the command that you want to execute within the specified security context. It can be any valid command or script.

When you run the runcon command, it ensures that the specified ${command} runs under the security context defined by ${domain}_t. This can be useful in situations where you want to override the default security context for a specific command, such as when dealing with confined or restricted environments.

Note that the actual command and the specific ${domain} value need to be provided for a complete understanding of how this command is used in a specific context.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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