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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool runcon. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "runcon" command-line tool is used in Linux to launch a program with a specific security context. It is primarily used in systems that implement Mandatory Access Control (MAC) mechanisms, such as SELinux.

The tool enables administrators to run processes with different security contexts based on their security policies. By specifying a context, it controls the file and process permissions for the executed program, ensuring system security.

The syntax of the "runcon" command is simple: "runcon [OPTIONS] CONTEXT COMMAND [ARGUMENTS]". It requires specifying the security context and the program to run within that context.

It is commonly used in scenarios where a process needs to run with reduced privileges, limiting its access to resources, files, or networks. This helps prevent potential security breaches or unauthorized access.

Administrators can use the "-l" flag to list available security contexts, making it easy to find the appropriate context for a specific program. Additionally, the "-t" flag can be used to determine the default security context for a specific file or directory.

Overall, "runcon" provides administrators with precise control over the security policies and permissions of processes, supporting the implementation of strong security measures in Linux systems.

List of commands for runcon:

  • runcon:tldr:410b9 runcon: Specify the context role to run a command with.
    $ runcon -r ${role}_r ${command}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • runcon:tldr:4d232 runcon: Specify the domain to run a command in.
    $ runcon -t ${domain}_t ${command}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • runcon:tldr:6cee8 runcon: Specify the full context to run a command with.
    $ runcon ${user}_u:${role}_r:${domain}_t ${command}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • runcon:tldr:a3003 runcon: Determine the current domain.
    $ runcon
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview