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runlim: Limit time to an upper bound (in seconds).
$ runlim --time-limit=${number} ${command} ${command_arguments}
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This command is using the program runlim to execute a specific command (${command}) with certain command arguments (${command_arguments}) and a time limit specified by ${number}.

Here's a breakdown of the command structure:

  1. runlim: This is the name of the program that will be used to limit the resources of the command being executed.

  2. --time-limit=${number}: This argument specifies the time limit for the command execution. ${number} should be replaced with a numerical value representing the time limit in seconds.

  3. ${command}: This placeholder represents the actual command that will be run. Replace ${command} with the desired command you want to execute.

  4. ${command_arguments}: This placeholder represents any additional arguments or options that need to be passed to the ${command}. Replace ${command_arguments} with the appropriate values.

Overall, this command will restrict the execution time of ${command} to the specified ${number} of seconds using the runlim program.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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