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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool runlim. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Runlim is a command line tool that allows you to limit the resources consumed by a process on a Unix-like system. It is often used to prevent processes from using excessive CPU time, memory, or disk space.

The main purpose of runlim is to provide a way to enforce resource constraints and prevent a single process from monopolizing system resources. It provides options to limit the CPU time, virtual memory usage, and disk space occupation of the process.

Runlim can be used for various purposes, such as preventing a program from exhausting system resources, achieving fair distribution of resources among multiple users or processes, or setting bounds on resource usage for testing and experimentation.

The tool operates by running the target program with a set of resource limits specified by the user. If the program exceeds any of the limits, runlim will terminate it. It can also generate detailed reports about resource usage, including CPU time, memory usage, and disk space consumption.

Runlim allows the user to specify the resource limits in terms of time (CPU seconds), memory size (bytes or kilobytes), and disk space (bytes or blocks). It offers flexible options for setting absolute or relative limits, as well as limits that can be applied per user or per group.

Overall, runlim provides a convenient and efficient way to manage resource limitations for processes in a Unix-like environment, ensuring optimal system performance and preventing runaway processes from causing disruptions.

List of commands for runlim:

  • runlim:tldr:6f92c runlim: Limit space to an upper bound (in MB).
    $ runlim --space-limit=${number} ${command} ${command_arguments}
    try on your machine
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  • runlim:tldr:9a1ff runlim: Print the time and memory usage of a command.
    $ runlim ${command} ${command_arguments}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • runlim:tldr:cc699 runlim: Log statistics to a file instead of `stdout`.
    $ runlim --output-file=${filename} ${command} ${command_arguments}
    try on your machine
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  • runlim:tldr:eb39f runlim: Limit time to an upper bound (in seconds).
    $ runlim --time-limit=${number} ${command} ${command_arguments}
    try on your machine
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  • runlim:tldr:f2ff0 runlim: Limit real-time to an upper bound (in seconds).
    $ runlim --real-time-limit=${number} ${command} ${command_arguments}
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