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List of commands for rusnapshot:

  • rusnapshot:tldr:5dd53 rusnapshot: Delete a snapshot by ID or the name of the snapshot.
    $ sudo rusnapshot -c ${path-to-config-toml} --del --id ${snapshot_id}
    try on your machine
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  • rusnapshot:tldr:76e75 rusnapshot: Restore a snapshot.
    $ sudo rusnapshot -c ${path-to-config-toml} --id ${snapshot_id} --restore
    try on your machine
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  • rusnapshot:tldr:aaa62 rusnapshot: Create a snapshot using a config file.
    $ sudo rusnapshot --config ${path-to-config-toml} --cr
    try on your machine
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  • rusnapshot:tldr:ade6b rusnapshot: Create a read-write snapshot.
    $ sudo rusnapshot -c ${path-to-config-toml} --cr --rw
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  • rusnapshot:tldr:b87bb rusnapshot: List created snapshots.
    $ sudo rusnapshot -c ${path-to-config-toml} --list
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  • rusnapshot:tldr:e057a rusnapshot: Delete all `hourly` snapshots.
    $ sudo rusnapshot -c ${path-to-config-toml} --list --keep ${0} --clean --kind ${hourly}
    try on your machine
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