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rustc: Compile for a specific target.
$ rustc --target ${target_triple} ${filename-rs}
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This command is used to compile a Rust source code file ( for a specific target platform (target_triple).

The rustc command is the Rust compiler, responsible for translating the Rust source code into machine code that can be executed by the target platform. The --target flag is used to specify the target platform for which the code needs to be compiled.

The ${target_triple} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual target triple. A target triple is a string that identifies the platform, architecture, and operating system for which the code is being compiled. It follows the format <architecture>-<vendor>-<system>-<abi>, where:

  • <architecture> represents the CPU architecture, e.g., x86_64, arm.
  • <vendor> refers to the manufacturer or distributor, e.g., apple, pc.
  • <system> specifies the target operating system, e.g., darwin, linux, windows.
  • <abi> denotes the application binary interface, e.g., gnu, eabi.

For example, if you want to compile the Rust code ( for the x86_64 architecture running on a Linux system, you would replace ${target_triple} with x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.

Finally, ${} denotes the name of the Rust source code file that needs to be compiled, including the .rs extension. Replace this placeholder with the actual name of your Rust source code file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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