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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rustc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Rustc is the command line tool for the Rust programming language, which is known for its focus on safety, performance, and concurrency. It is used to compile Rust source code into executable binaries or libraries. Rustc performs a wide range of tasks during compilation, including lexical and syntactic analysis, type inference, borrow checking, and optimization. It is highly efficient and produces highly optimized machine code, thanks to its LLVM-based backend. Rustc features a modular architecture with multiple components such as the front end, middle end, and back end, which allow for flexibility and extensibility. It supports various command line options to enable or disable specific optimizations, debug information, or target specific architectures. Rustc also provides features like code generation for different platforms, cross-platform compilation, and dependency resolution through the Cargo package manager. It has excellent error messages that are designed to be helpful and informative, aiding developers in understanding and fixing issues in their code. Rustc is continually being improved and updated, with regular releases incorporating new language features and bug fixes. Overall, rustc is a powerful and efficient tool that forms the core of the Rust ecosystem, empowering developers to write safe, concurrent, and performant applications.

List of commands for rustc:

  • rustc:tldr:67de9 rustc: Compile for a specific target.
    $ rustc --target ${target_triple} ${filename-rs}
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  • rustc:tldr:92a7a rustc: Display architecture-specific optimizations for the current CPU.
    $ rustc -C target-cpu=native --print cfg
    try on your machine
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  • rustc:tldr:b53fa rustc: Compile a single file.
    $ rustc ${filename-rs}
    try on your machine
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  • rustc:tldr:b802f rustc: Compile with debugging information.
    $ rustc -g ${filename-rs}
    try on your machine
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  • rustc:tldr:be4b9 rustc: Compile with high optimization.
    $ rustc -O ${filename-rs}
    try on your machine
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  • rustc:tldr:dec00 rustc: Display target list.
    $ rustc --print target-list
    try on your machine
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  • rustc:tldr:f7f9b rustc: Compile with architecture-specific optimizations for the current CPU.
    $ rustc -C target-cpu=native ${filename-rs}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview