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rustc: Compile with architecture-specific optimizations for the current CPU.
$ rustc -C target-cpu=native ${filename-rs}
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The command rustc -C target-cpu=native ${filename-rs} is used to compile a Rust source file (${filename-rs}) using the Rust compiler (rustc) with a specific target CPU architecture specified as the native value for the target-cpu flag in the compiler options (-C).

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • rustc: This is the executable command for the Rust compiler.
  • -C: This flag is used to pass compiler options to the Rust compiler. It allows you to customize the compilation process.
  • target-cpu=native: This is one of the compiler options being set using the -C flag. It specifies that the target CPU architecture to be used for compilation will be the one that is native to the machine on which the compilation is being performed. In other words, it tells the compiler to generate machine code optimized for the specific CPU architecture on which it is running.
  • ${filename-rs}: This is a placeholder for the name of the Rust source file that you want to compile. You need to replace ${filename-rs} with the actual filename (including the .rs extension) of your Rust source file.

By using the target-cpu=native option, the Rust compiler can take advantage of specific features and optimizations available on the CPU architecture it is running on, resulting in potentially faster and more efficient code.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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