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rustup: Open the local rust documentation in the default web browser.
$ rustup doc
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The command "rustup doc" is used in Rust programming language to open the local documentation in your default web browser.

Rust provides comprehensive documentation that includes the standard library, language features, and various crates (libraries) available in the Rust ecosystem. This command allows you to easily access this documentation offline after installing Rust.

When you run "rustup doc" in your terminal, it automatically opens the local documentation in your preferred web browser, allowing you to browse and search for specific items like modules, functions, traits, or crates. It provides useful information about usage, examples, and explanations of Rust concepts and components.

By default, the command opens the documentation for the current version of Rust installed on your system. If you have multiple versions of Rust installed, "rustup doc" opens the documentation for the active (default) toolchain.

Overall, this command is handy when you need quick access to the Rust documentation for learning, reference, or exploring the language's features and libraries.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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