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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rustup. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


rustup is a command-line tool used for managing Rust programming language installations. It enables users to easily install, update, and switch between different versions of Rust on their system. This tool is available for major operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux.

One of the main features of rustup is its ability to manage multiple toolchains. It allows users to install and switch between different versions of the Rust compiler, which is crucial for compatibility with specific projects. Rustup also provides the option to install additional components like cargo, the package manager and build system for Rust projects.

The tool automatically handles all installation and update processes, making it a convenient choice for Rust developers. It also offers a command-line interface, allowing users to interact with rustup through their terminal.

Rustup maintains a separate profile for each user, ensuring that multiple users on the same system can have different Rust distributions and configurations. It also provides the ability to specify a default toolchain, making it easier to manage projects that require a specific Rust version.

rustup supports different channels for Rust releases, including stable, beta, and nightly. This allows developers to choose the appropriate toolchain for their project's requirements. Additionally, the tool provides options for easily updating Rust and its components to the latest available version.

Overall, rustup simplifies the setup and management of Rust installations, enabling developers to efficiently work with different Rust versions and projects.

List of commands for rustup:

  • rustup:tldr:18080 rustup: Run cargo build with a certain toolchain.
    $ rustup run ${toolchain_name} cargo build
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  • rustup:tldr:1dd82 rustup: Open the local rust documentation in the default web browser.
    $ rustup doc
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • rustup:tldr:4cd74 rustup: Install the nightly toolchain for your system.
    $ rustup install nightly
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • rustup:tldr:4f2f3 rustup: List installed toolchains.
    $ rustup show
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • rustup:tldr:630bf rustup: Switch the default toolchain to nightly so that the `cargo` and `rustc` commands will use it.
    $ rustup default nightly
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  • rustup:tldr:d21f0 rustup: Use the nightly toolchain when inside the current project, but leave global settings unchanged.
    $ rustup override set nightly
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  • rustup:tldr:e96f5 rustup: Update all toolchains.
    $ rustup update
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview