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List of commands for s3cmd:

  • s3cmd:tldr:0f249 s3cmd: Create Bucket/Folder.
    $ s3cmd mb s3://${bucket}
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  • s3cmd:tldr:524f4 s3cmd: Invoke configuration/reconfiguration tool.
    $ s3cmd --configure
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  • s3cmd:tldr:5f345 s3cmd: Upload a file to a bucket.
    $ s3cmd put ${local_file} s3://${bucket}/${file}
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  • s3cmd:tldr:89707 s3cmd: Delete a specific object.
    $ s3cmd rm s3://${bucket}/${object}
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  • s3cmd:tldr:caa5c s3cmd: Download a specific file from a bucket.
    $ s3cmd get s3://${bucket_name}/${filename} ${path-to-local_file}
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  • s3cmd:tldr:cd992 s3cmd: List Buckets/Folders/Objects.
    $ s3cmd ls s3://${select}
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  • s3cmd:tldr:e5418 s3cmd: Move an object to a specific bucket location.
    $ s3cmd mv s3://${src_bucket}/${src_object} s3://${dst_bucket}/${dst_object}
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