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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool s3cmd. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


s3cmd is a command line tool used for managing files and objects on Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service). It provides an interface to interact with S3 buckets, allowing users to upload, download, sync, and manage various files and directories within their S3 storage.

This tool supports various functionalities like creating and deleting buckets, listing the contents of a bucket, copying files between local storage and S3, syncing directories with S3, setting access permissions, and generating signed URLs for private objects.

s3cmd allows users to configure multiple S3 account profiles, making it easy to switch between different accounts and environments. It also supports encryption for both files in transit and at rest, ensuring the security of the data stored on S3.

Users can also set up automated backups and sync processes using s3cmd through scripts or cron jobs. This can be helpful for scheduled backups or continuous data synchronization tasks.

s3cmd is written in Python and is compatible with various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. It offers a convenient and efficient command line interface, which makes it suitable for both individual users and automation purposes.

The tool supports multi-threaded transfers, allowing for faster uploads and downloads of large files to and from S3.

s3cmd is an open-source tool, and its source code is available on GitHub. Users can contribute, report issues, and request new features on the project's repository.

Overall, s3cmd is a versatile and powerful command line tool for managing and interacting with Amazon S3 storage, offering a wide range of functionalities and flexibility for working with S3 buckets and objects.

List of commands for s3cmd:

  • s3cmd:tldr:0f249 s3cmd: Create Bucket/Folder.
    $ s3cmd mb s3://${bucket}
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  • s3cmd:tldr:524f4 s3cmd: Invoke configuration/reconfiguration tool.
    $ s3cmd --configure
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  • s3cmd:tldr:5f345 s3cmd: Upload a file to a bucket.
    $ s3cmd put ${local_file} s3://${bucket}/${file}
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  • s3cmd:tldr:89707 s3cmd: Delete a specific object.
    $ s3cmd rm s3://${bucket}/${object}
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  • s3cmd:tldr:caa5c s3cmd: Download a specific file from a bucket.
    $ s3cmd get s3://${bucket_name}/${filename} ${path-to-local_file}
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  • s3cmd:tldr:cd992 s3cmd: List Buckets/Folders/Objects.
    $ s3cmd ls s3://${select}
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  • s3cmd:tldr:e5418 s3cmd: Move an object to a specific bucket location.
    $ s3cmd mv s3://${src_bucket}/${src_object} s3://${dst_bucket}/${dst_object}
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tool overview