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sacctmgr: Show current configuration.
$ sacctmgr show configuration
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The command "sacctmgr show configuration" is used to display the current configuration settings of the Slurm accounting manager (sacctmgr) tool. Slurm is a workload manager that allocates resources and manages job scheduling on high-performance computing (HPC) clusters.

When you run the "sacctmgr show configuration" command, it retrieves and presents the various configuration parameters and settings related to the accounting manager. These settings specify how the manager collects, processes, and stores accounting and job-related information.

Some configuration settings that you may see include:

  1. Accounting storage location: It shows the directory or database where the accounting information is stored. This can be a local file system, a central database, or a combination of both.

  2. Accounting frequency: It specifies how often the accounting manager collects and updates accounting information. You may find settings like daily, weekly, or hourly, depending on the cluster's requirements.

  3. Event handling: This setting encompasses the actions taken when specific events occur in the accounting manager, such as job completion, job failure, or resource allocation. It can define actions like sending notifications, executing scripts, or generating reports.

  4. Authentication and authorization: Information about authentication and authorization methods used by the accounting manager can be displayed. This includes user authentication mechanisms and access control rules.

  5. Job-related settings: The configuration command may also show parameters related to job attributes, resource limits, job priorities, and other job-specific settings. These settings define how the accounting manager handles and categorizes different types of jobs.

Overall, the "sacctmgr show configuration" command provides an overview of the current setup and fine-tuning options for the Slurm accounting manager. It helps administrators understand how the accounting manager is configured and make necessary changes or optimizations if required.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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