"Sacctmgr" is a command line tool in Linux used for managing and configuring Slurm accounting. It is typically used by system administrators who need to manage user accounts, associations, and other accounting-related tasks in a Slurm environment.
With Sacctmgr, administrators can add and delete users, as well as modify their account settings, such as account names, contact information, and charge rates. It also allows for managing associations, which are groups of accounts used for tracking purposes.
Additionally, Sacctmgr provides functionality to enforce usage limits, prioritize job scheduling, and set up QoS (Quality of Service) configurations. It allows administrators to define fair share usage of resources among users, projects, or groups, ensuring that each entity has a fair allocation of resources based on defined policies.
The tool provides a wide range of options and arguments, allowing administrators to perform complex commands like generating accounting reports, setting up threshold alarms, and managing SLURM database connections. By utilizing Sacctmgr, system administrators have fine-grained control over the accounting aspects of their Slurm environment, ensuring efficient usage and management of resources.
List of commands for sacctmgr:
sacctmgr:tldr:71f2c sacctmgr: Add an account to the slurm database.$ sacctmgr add account ${account_name} cluster=${cluster_of_account}try on your machineexplain this command
sacctmgr:tldr:87e49 sacctmgr: Add a cluster to the slurm database.$ sacctmgr add cluster ${cluster_name}try on your machineexplain this command
sacctmgr:tldr:bd5c8 sacctmgr: Show details of user/association/cluster/account using a specific format.$ sacctmgr show ${select} format="Account%10" format="GrpTRES%30"try on your machineexplain this command
sacctmgr:tldr:ca8f3 sacctmgr: Show current configuration.$ sacctmgr show configurationtry on your machineexplain this command