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safe: Print the environment variables describing the current target.
$ safe env
try on your machine

The command "safe env" is a command used in the SAFE Network command-line interface (CLI). The SAFE Network is a decentralized network that aims to provide secure and private data storage and communication.

The "safe env" command is used to display the current environment variables that the SAFE CLI is using. Environment variables are variable values that are set and used by various programs and command shells. They provide information and configuration settings to the programs running on the system.

By running "safe env" command, you can view the values of the environment variables specifically used by the SAFE CLI. These variables may include information such as the network connection details, authentication credentials, or other configuration settings relevant to the SAFE CLI.

Understanding the environment variables allows you to see and verify the configuration settings that the SAFE CLI is currently using. It can be helpful when troubleshooting or when you want to confirm the correctness of the configuration before executing other commands or operations within the SAFE Network environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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