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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool safe. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Safe is a command line tool that is designed to enhance privacy and security while browsing the internet. It is an open-source browser that prioritizes user data protection and aims to prevent tracking, advertising, and data leaks. Safe utilizes a decentralized web infrastructure based on the Safe Network, which is built on blockchain technology. This ensures that users' data remains secure and their browsing activities remain private. The tool offers features like ad-blocking, cookie management, and the ability to block location tracking. It also provides users with the option to choose their level of privacy, with options ranging from anonymous browsing to blocking only specific types of trackers. Safe is compatible with all major operating systems and is constantly updated by its active community of developers. It is a powerful tool for individuals who are concerned about their online privacy and wish to browse the internet without compromising their personal data.

List of commands for safe:

  • safe:tldr:4746e safe: Authenticate the CLI client against the Vault server, using an authentication token.
    $ safe auth ${authentication_token}
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  • safe:tldr:5029b safe: Move a secret from one path to another.
    $ safe move ${old-path-to-secret} ${new-path-to-secret}
    try on your machine
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  • safe:tldr:535c7 safe: Set non-sensitive keys for a secret.
    $ safe set ${path-to-secret} ${key}=${value}
    try on your machine
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  • safe:tldr:6fdaa safe: Add a safe target.
    $ safe target ${vault_addr} ${target_name}
    try on your machine
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  • safe:tldr:76f52 safe: Print the environment variables describing the current target.
    $ safe env
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  • safe:tldr:d5399 safe: Set auto-generated password in a secret.
    $ safe gen ${path-to-secret} ${key}
    try on your machine
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  • safe:tldr:e6a07 safe: Generate a new 2048-bit SSH key-pair and store it.
    $ safe ssh ${2048} ${path-to-secret}
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  • safe:tldr:f226a safe: Display a tree hierarchy of all reachable keys for a given path.
    $ safe tree ${path}
    try on your machine
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tool overview