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safe: Set auto-generated password in a secret.
$ safe gen ${path-to-secret} ${key}
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The command "safe gen ${path-to-secret} ${key}" is used to generate a password or a secret key and securely store it in a key-value store called "safe". Here is an explanation of each component of the command:

  • "safe": It refers to the name of the key-value store being used. It could be the name of a specific password manager or a cryptography library.
  • "gen": It stands for "generate", indicating that the command generates a new password or secret key.
  • "${path-to-secret}": It represents the location or name of the secret being generated. This can be a file path or a named key within the key-value store.
  • "${key}": It represents the encryption key or passphrase used to generate the secret. The specific format or requirements of the key may vary depending on the password manager or cryptographic library being used.

Overall, this command generates a secret using a specified key and securely stores it in a key-value store for later retrieval or use.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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