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safe: Generate a new 2048-bit SSH key-pair and store it.
$ safe ssh ${2048} ${path-to-secret}
try on your machine

This command is incomplete as it seems to contain some variables instead of actual values. However, I can explain the general purpose and usage of a command with similar syntax.

The command appears to be using the "safe ssh" command, which is assumed to be a custom or utility script/command. The purpose of this command is not clear without more information about its functionality.

Here's the breakdown of the syntax:

  • "safe ssh": This is the name of the command or script being executed. It likely aims to establish an SSH connection in a secure way.

  • "${2048}": This is a placeholder or variable, denoted by the use of the "${}" syntax. The name of this variable is given as "2048". The actual value or purpose of this variable needs to be provided separately.

  • "${path-to-secret}": Similarly, this is another variable, named "path-to-secret". It is used to represent the path, location, or filename of a secret file or key required for the SSH connection. The real value or path of this variable must be given elsewhere.

In summary, the command seems to be an attempt to establish an SSH connection using a custom or utility script/command called "safe ssh". However, without the actual values or explanations of the variables, it is difficult to provide further details or a specific explanation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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