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List of commands for salt:

  • salt:ai:324d5 Get the IPv4 address of the machine using Salt Grains
    $ salt grains.get ipv4 --out json
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  • salt:ai:47ac1 what is a sls file when using SALT ?
    $ salt ${target} state.sls ${filename}
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  • salt:tldr:16902 salt: Execute an arbitrary command on a particular minion.
    $ salt '${minion_id}' "ls "
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  • salt:tldr:376b8 salt: Execute a highstate on all connected minions.
    $ salt '*' state.highstate
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  • salt:tldr:869c0 salt: List connected minions.
    $ salt '*'
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  • salt:tldr:a956b salt: Upgrade packages using the OS package manager (apt, yum, brew) on a subset of minions.
    $ salt '*' pkg.upgrade
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