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salt-run: Show all minions which are disconnected.
$ salt-run manage.up
try on your machine

The command "salt-run manage.up" is used in SaltStack, an open-source remote execution and configuration management system. This command allows you to manage the status of Salt Minions (remote servers managed by Salt Master) quickly.

When you run "salt-run manage.up", the Salt Master sends a "" command to all Salt Minions connected to it. This command checks if the minions are up and responding.

The output of the command will display a list of minions that are online and available. Each minion will be displayed with its unique identifier, hostname, and IP address if available.

For example, the output could look like this:

    - hostname:
    - ip:
    - hostname:
    - ip:

This command is useful to verify the connectivity and availability of all minions from the Salt Master. It helps administrators quickly identify any offline or unresponsive minions, allowing them to take necessary actions for troubleshooting or maintenance purposes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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