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sass: Watch a SCSS or Sass file for changes and output or update the CSS file with the given filename.
$ sass --watch ${select}:${outputfile-css}
try on your machine

This command is using SASS to watch changes in a specified file and compile it into CSS whenever there are modifications. Let's break down the different components:

  • sass is the command-line tool for processing SASS/SCSS files.

  • --watch is a flag that instructs Sass to continuously monitor the specified file for changes. Whenever the file is modified, Sass will automatically compile it into CSS.

  • ${select} is a placeholder that represents the path or filename of the SASS/SCSS file that you want to watch and compile.

  • ${outputfile-css} is another placeholder referring to the desired name of the output CSS file that Sass will generate.

By replacing ${select} with the path or filename of your SASS/SCSS file and ${outputfile-css} with the name you want for the output CSS file, you can use this command to watch for changes in your SASS/SCSS file and compile it into CSS on-the-fly.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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