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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sass. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Sass, short for "Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets," is a command line tool used for compiling and manipulating CSS stylesheets.

  1. Sass is a preprocessor scripting language that extends the functionality of CSS.
  2. It offers features like variables, nesting, mixins, and functions, making the process of writing and managing CSS more efficient.
  3. Sass files have the extension .scss and are compiled into regular CSS files.
  4. The tool enables developers to split large stylesheets into smaller modular files, making code organization easier and more maintainable.
  5. It provides the @import rule, allowing the inclusion of other Sass or CSS files, reducing redundancy and improving code reuse.
  6. Sass also offers control structures like conditions and loops, enabling dynamic styles and more flexible design options.
  7. It supports the use of variables to store and reuse values, allowing for easy color or font changes throughout the stylesheet.
  8. Mixins are reusable blocks of code that can be included in multiple places and parameterized, providing a way to reuse styles without duplication.
  9. Functions in Sass provide powerful calculations and transformations, giving developers the ability to perform complex operations, such as manipulating colors or creating responsive designs.
  10. Sass also has extensive community support, with a variety of frameworks and libraries built on top of it, further enhancing its capabilities and productivity.

List of commands for sass:

  • sass:tldr:a1aea sass: Watch a SCSS or Sass file for changes and output or update the CSS file with the given filename.
    $ sass --watch ${select}:${outputfile-css}
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  • sass:tldr:a3250 sass: Convert a SCSS or Sass file to CSS and save the result to a file.
    $ sass ${select} ${outputfile-css}
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  • sass:tldr:d2942 sass: Watch a SCSS or Sass file for changes and output or update the CSS file with same filename.
    $ sass --watch ${select}
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  • sass:tldr:ff391 sass: Convert a SCSS or Sass file to CSS and print out the result.
    $ sass ${select}
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