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satis: Remove useless archive files.
$ satis purge ${satis-json} ${path-to-output_directory}
try on your machine

The command "satis purge ${satis-json} ${path-to-output_directory}" is a command that is likely used in the context of a build or deployment process involving Satis.

Satis is a Composer repository generator, which allows you to create a custom package repository for your PHP dependencies. It can build and host a repository that contains all the packages you need for your project, so you don't have to rely on public package sources like Packagist.

Let's break down the command:

  • "satis purge": This is the main command that you are executing. "satis" is the name of the executable file or command used to interact with Satis, and "purge" is an argument or subcommand of that command. It suggests that you want to delete or remove some data or files related to Satis.

  • "${satis-json}": This is a placeholder or variable representing the path to a Satis configuration file in JSON format. In this command, you would need to replace "${satis-json}" with the actual file path.

  • "${path-to-output_directory}": This is another placeholder or variable representing the path to the directory where the output or generated repository files are stored. Again, you would need to replace "${path-to-output_directory}" with the actual path.

So, essentially, the command is telling Satis to purge or delete some data or files related to the specified Satis configuration (defined in "${satis-json}") from the output directory (defined in "${path-to-output_directory}"). The specific details of what is purged or deleted would depend on the implementation of the "purge" subcommand in the Satis tool you are using.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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