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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool satis. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Satis is a command-line tool that allows you to create your own private Composer repository. It is primarily used to package and distribute your own PHP dependencies internally. Satis can be considered a self-hosted alternative to Packagist, the default public Composer repository. With Satis, you can create a Composer repository containing your own packages, as well as any third-party packages that your project relies on. This allows you to have fine-grained control over which packages are available to your projects and manage their versions. Satis can be configured using a satis.json file, where you define the packages and repositories to include in your custom repository. This configuration file specifies the dependencies and versions of each package. The generated repository can then be hosted on a web server, allowing you to access and install the packages using Composer. Satis is especially useful for companies and organizations that handle sensitive code and want to control package versions or avoid reliance on external repositories.

List of commands for satis:

  • satis:tldr:1fb0c satis: Build the static output by updating only the specified repository.
    $ satis build --repository-url ${repository_url} ${satis-json} ${path-to-output_directory}
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  • satis:tldr:21a7b satis: Build the static output from the configuration.
    $ satis build ${satis-json} ${path-to-output_directory}
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  • satis:tldr:636ec satis: Add a VCS repository to the Satis configuration.
    $ satis add ${repository_url}
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  • satis:tldr:983ca satis: Initialize a Satis configuration.
    $ satis init ${satis-json}
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  • satis:tldr:f39d8 satis: Remove useless archive files.
    $ satis purge ${satis-json} ${path-to-output_directory}
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tool overview