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sbt: Compile the main sources in `src/main/scala` and `src/main/java` directories.
$ sbt compile
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The command "sbt compile" is used to compile the source code of a Scala project using the SBT (Scala Build Tool).

SBT is a build tool for Scala projects that provides a variety of features like dependency management, incremental compilation, testing, packaging, and more.

When you run "sbt compile" command, SBT looks for the project's source code files (usually located in the "src" directory) and compiles them into bytecode. During the compilation process, SBT also resolves any dependencies specified in the project's build configuration file (usually "build.sbt" or "Build.scala").

If the compilation is successful, the compiled class files are generated in the designated output directory (usually "target/scala-2.x/classes", where "2.x" is the version of Scala being used).

Running "sbt compile" allows you to ensure that your source code is free of compilation errors and prepares it for further steps like running tests or packaging your project.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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