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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sbt. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


sbt is a command line build tool for Scala-based projects. It stands for "Scala Build Tool." It is used for building, testing, and packaging Scala projects efficiently. sbt follows a declarative configuration approach using a build definition written in Scala code. It utilizes a dependency management system to handle library dependencies for projects. sbt has built-in support for compiling, running, and testing code, making it easy to develop and debug Scala applications. The tool provides features like incremental compilation, parallel execution, and dependency caching to optimize build times. sbt supports various project structures, including simple standalone projects, multi-module projects, and even web application projects. It integrates seamlessly with popular development environments like IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, and Visual Studio Code, providing code assistance and build integration. sbt offers a plugin ecosystem allowing users to extend its functionalities, enabling features like code coverage, code quality analysis, and code generation. It has a rich command set, including commands for compilation, testing, running code, managing dependencies, and generating documentation.

List of commands for sbt:

  • sbt:tldr:015e5 sbt: Compile and run all tests.
    $ sbt test
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  • sbt:tldr:1b79a sbt: List all sbt options.
    $ sbt -h
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  • sbt:tldr:46cc7 sbt: Compile the main sources in `src/main/scala` and `src/main/java` directories.
    $ sbt compile
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  • sbt:tldr:61cfd sbt: Create a new Scala project from an existing Giter8 template hosted on GitHub.
    $ sbt new ${scala-hello-world-g8}
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  • sbt:tldr:7aa7e sbt: Use the specified version of sbt.
    $ sbt -sbt-version ${version}
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  • sbt:tldr:7c5ae sbt: Delete all generated files in the `target` directory.
    $ sbt clean
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  • sbt:tldr:8088f sbt: Use a specific jar file as the sbt launcher.
    $ sbt -sbt-jar ${path}
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  • sbt:tldr:eadc1 sbt: Start a REPL (interactive shell).
    $ sbt
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