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sbt: Start a REPL (interactive shell).
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The command sbt stands for Simple Build Tool. It is a popular build tool for Scala projects, used to compile, test, and manage dependencies for Scala-based applications.

When you run sbt in the command line, it starts the sbt shell, which provides a command-line interface for interacting with the build tool. You can use several commands within the sbt shell to perform various tasks:

  • compile: Compiles the source code of your project.
  • test: Runs the tests written for your project.
  • run: Executes your project's main class.
  • clean: Cleans the compiled output and generated files.
  • reload: Reloads the build definitions and dependencies.
  • package: Creates a distributable package (such as a JAR file) for your project.
  • dependencyTree: Displays a tree-like structure of your project's dependencies.
  • exit: Quits the sbt shell.

These are just a few examples of commonly used sbt commands. You can explore and configure more commands based on your project's requirements.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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