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List of commands for scalafmt:

  • scalafmt:tldr:003a2 scalafmt: Reformat specific files or directories with a custom formatting configuration.
    $ scalafmt --config ${path-to--scalafmt-conf} ${filename_or_directory} ${filename_or_directory} ${---}
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  • scalafmt:tldr:24d0d scalafmt: Check if files are correctly formatted, returning `0` if all files respect the formatting style.
    $ scalafmt --config ${path-to--scalafmt-conf} --test
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  • scalafmt:tldr:5b819 scalafmt: Exclude files or directories.
    $ scalafmt --exclude ${filename_or_directory} ${---}
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  • scalafmt:tldr:5c3ad scalafmt: Format only files that were edited against the current Git branch.
    $ scalafmt --config ${path-to--scalafmt-conf} --mode diff
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  • scalafmt:tldr:6a240 scalafmt: Reformat all `.scala` files in the current directory recursively.
    $ scalafmt
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