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scan-build: Build and analyze the project in the current directory.
$ scan-build ${make}
try on your machine

The command "scan-build ${make}" is a command that performs a static analysis of code using a tool called "scan-build" and then runs the make command specified by the variable "${make}".

Static analysis is a technique used to analyze source code without actually running it. It helps identify potential coding issues, bugs, security vulnerabilities, memory leaks, and other potential problems within the code. Static analysis tools, like "scan-build", analyze the code by examining the code's syntax, structure, and dependencies.

The "${make}" part of the command is a placeholder for the actual make command that needs to be executed. The make command is a build automation tool commonly used in software development to compile and build programs.

By combining "scan-build" with the make command using the given command, the code analysis is performed before the make command execution. This allows for detecting and identifying possible issues in the code during the build process, providing developers with valuable feedback to improve code quality and security.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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