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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool scan-build. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


scan-build is a command line tool used for static code analysis of C and C++ programs. It is part of the Clang compiler toolkit developed by LLVM. The tool aims to identify potential bugs and security vulnerabilities in source code by performing a thorough analysis of the codebase.

One of the key features of scan-build is its ability to detect memory errors, such as memory leaks, buffer overflows, and use-after-free vulnerabilities. It does this by simulating program execution and tracking memory allocations and deallocations. This helps developers catch potential issues that could lead to crashes or security breaches.

Scan-build also supports other types of analysis, including checking for concurrency bugs, code quality issues, and potential deadlocks. The tool uses various techniques, such as symbolic execution and abstract interpretation, to perform these analyses.

To use scan-build, developers simply need to prefix their compilation command with "scan-build". The tool then emits a report detailing any issues found during the analysis, along with suggestions for potential fixes. This report can be viewed in a web browser, allowing easy navigation through the code and analysis results.

The scan-build tool can be integrated into continuous integration pipelines to perform regular code analysis and ensure that new code commits do not introduce any critical issues. It can generate reports in different formats, including HTML and SARIF, making it easy to process and share the results.

Scan-build is highly customizable, allowing developers to configure various analysis options, such as enabling or disabling specific checkers, setting analysis thresholds, or specifying compilation flags. This flexibility allows developers to tailor the analysis to their specific needs and codebase.

The tool works on multiple platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, making it accessible to a wide range of developers. It can analyze both small projects and large codebases with ease, handling complex interdependencies and providing accurate results.

Scan-build is actively maintained and updated by the LLVM community, ensuring that it stays up-to-date with the latest programming languages, standards, and security vulnerabilities. It can be used alongside other LLVM tools, such as Clang and LLVM sanitizers, to provide comprehensive code analysis and debugging capabilities.

Overall, scan-build is a powerful command line tool for static code analysis that helps developers identify and fix potential bugs and vulnerabilities in their C and C++ programs. Its ease of integration, customizable analysis options, and comprehensive reporting make it a valuable addition to any development workflow.

List of commands for scan-build:

tool overview