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scc: Only count files with specific file extensions.
$ scc --include-ext ${go, java, js}
try on your machine

The command "scc --include-ext ${go, java, js}" is likely a command to execute the "scc" command with specific extensions included. Here's an explanation of each part:

  • "scc": This is the name of the command being executed. It is likely a code counting tool or a utility related to code metrics.
  • "--include-ext": This is a flag or option used with the "scc" command to specify the file extensions that should be considered or included in the code counting process.
  • "${go, java, js}": This is a placeholder or variable used to represent multiple file extensions. In this case, it signifies that the command is counting code for files with extensions "go", "java", and "js". The actual file extensions may vary depending on your specific use case.

Overall, the command is instructing the "scc" command to count lines of code or perform code metrics analysis for files with the extensions "go", "java", and "js".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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