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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool scc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


SCC (Source Lines of Code Counter) is a command line tool used for measuring the size and complexity of software projects. It can be employed with various programming languages like C, C++, C#, Java, and more.

This tool accurately calculates the number of lines in the source code, including comments and blank lines. It helps developers and project managers in analyzing code metrics and estimating project effort.

SCC provides different output formats, such as plain text, JSON, XML, and CSV, making it convenient for integration with other tools and systems. It also offers various options to customize the analysis process, allowing users to filter file types, exclude specific directories, and define rules for comment extraction.

Moreover, SCC can generate reports with comprehensive statistics, including total lines of code, number of files, comment lines, function/method counts, average lines per function, and more. These reports aid in understanding code complexity, maintaining coding standards, and identifying potential areas for improvement.

Additionally, SCC supports multi-language projects, meaning it can analyze code written in different languages within a single project. It recognizes language-specific syntax and allows accurate counting and analysis across different codebases.

SCC is an open-source tool, available under the GPLv3 license, which encourages community contributions and allows customization according to specific project needs. It is actively maintained and supported by a dedicated team, ensuring bug fixes and regular updates.

In conclusion, SCC is a versatile command line tool that provides accurate and insightful metrics about source code, assisting software developers and project managers in evaluating code complexity, estimating project effort, and maintaining coding standards.

List of commands for scc:

  • scc:tldr:1a110 scc: Display output and sort by column (defaults to by files).
    $ scc --sort ${select}
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  • scc:tldr:34556 scc: Print lines of code in the target directory.
    $ scc ${path-to-directory}
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  • scc:tldr:3b81c scc: Display output for every file.
    $ scc --by-file
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  • scc:tldr:3df9f scc: Display output using a specific output format (defaults to `tabular`).
    $ scc --format ${select}
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  • scc:tldr:8ca9a scc: Only count files with specific file extensions.
    $ scc --include-ext ${go, java, js}
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  • scc:tldr:957f8 scc: Exclude directories from being counted.
    $ scc --exclude-dir ${-git,-hg}
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  • scc:tldr:9c945 scc: Print lines of code in the current directory.
    $ scc
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  • scc:tldr:f3760 scc: Print help for scc.
    $ scc -h
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview