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scc: Exclude directories from being counted.
$ scc --exclude-dir ${-git,-hg}
try on your machine

The command "scc --exclude-dir ${-git,-hg}" is using the "scc" command with the "exclude-dir" option and specifying directories to exclude from analysis.

Here's a breakdown of each component of the command:

  • "scc": It refers to the actual command being executed. "scc" is usually an abbreviation for "sloc, change, and complexity", which is a code analysis tool used to count the lines of code, track code changes, and measure code complexity.

  • "--exclude-dir": This is an option provided by the "scc" command. It allows you to specify directories that should be excluded from analysis. It is used to filter out specific directories that you don't want to include in the results.

  • "${-git,-hg}": This is the argument provided for the "--exclude-dir" option. It is using the curly brace expansion syntax to define multiple directory names separated by a comma. In this case, it specifies two directories to exclude: "-git" and "-hg".

So, when you run the command "scc --exclude-dir ${-git,-hg}", the "scc" command will analyze the code in your project but exclude any files or directories with names "-git" or "-hg" from the analysis.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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