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scc: Print help for scc.
$ scc -h
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The command "scc -h" is used to display the help menu or usage instructions for the "scc" command.

"Scc" stands for Source Code Counter, which is a tool used to count the number of lines of source code in a given file or directory. It helps in analyzing the complexity and size of software projects.

By appending the "-h" option to the command, you are requesting the help information for the "scc" command. This will typically display a summary of the command's options, flags, and usage syntax. It can provide details on how to use different features of the command, specify file or directory paths, or specify output formats, among other things.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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