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sd: Find and replace in all files in the current project (output stream: `stdout`).
$ sd ${'from "react"'} ${'from "preact"'} "$(find . -type f)"
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This command can be divided into three parts:

  1. sd ${'from "react"'} ${'from "preact"'}:

    • sd is a command-line tool used for searching and replacing text in files.
    • ${'from "react"'} is used to specify the text pattern to search for, which is "from "react"".
    • ${'from "preact"'} is used to specify the replacement text pattern, which is "from "preact"".
    • So, this part of the command instructs the sd tool to search for the exact string "from "react"" and replace it with "from "preact"".
  2. "$(find . -type f)":

    • This uses the find command to search for files in the current directory.
    • -type f specifies to only search for regular files (not directories or special files).
    • The $(...) syntax is used to execute the find command and substitute its output as an argument to the sd command.
    • So, this part of the command tells sd to search and replace the specified pattern in all regular files found by the find command.

In summary, the command searches for the exact string "from "react"" in all regular files in the current directory and its subdirectories, and replaces it with "from "preact"".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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