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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sd. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


SD is a command line tool developed by Russell Cohen for searching and replacing text in files. It stands for "stack-oriented, delayed-apply data munging language." With SD, users can perform complex text transformations using a simple syntax. The tool is designed to be fast, memory-efficient, and well-suited for handling large files.

SD supports regular expressions, making it powerful for pattern matching and substituting. It provides a wide range of options and flags, allowing users to customize their search and replace operations. SD can perform replacements on multiple files or directories recursively, making it efficient for batch processing.

The tool is written in Rust, allowing it to be cross-platform and highly performant. It leverages multi-threading to process files in parallel, enhancing its speed. SD also has various filtering options for restricting replacements to specific lines or parts of a file.

Additionally, SD offers interactive text replacement, providing a preview of changes before applying them. It gives users control over the entire replacement process, making it useful for complex transformations. SD's design philosophy emphasizes simplicity, readability, and ease of use.

Apart from regular expressions, SD supports simpler string matching, making it accessible for users with varying levels of expertise. It has comprehensive documentation, including examples and tutorials, to help users get started quickly. SD is actively maintained and has a growing community, ensuring ongoing support and development.

List of commands for sd:

  • sd:tldr:44578 sd: Find and replace in all files in the current project (output stream: `stdout`).
    $ sd ${'from "react"'} ${'from "preact"'} "$(find . -type f)"
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  • sd:tldr:76548 sd: Find and replace in a specific file (output stream: `stdout`).
    $ sd -p ${'window-fetch'} ${'fetch'} ${filename-js}
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tool overview