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searchsploit: Open the resource to read with the pager defined in the `$PAGER` environment variable.
$ searchsploit --explore ${exploit_number}
try on your machine

The command "searchsploit" is used to search for and locate known exploits or vulnerabilities in software. It is a command-line utility commonly used in penetration testing and security research.

The "--explore" option is used to explore and view the details of a specific exploit in more depth. When used with the "searchsploit" command, it allows you to examine the details, description, and other information about a particular exploit.

"${exploit_number}" is a placeholder in the command, where you should replace it with the actual exploit number that you want to explore. Each exploit in the searchsploit database has a unique number assigned to it, which indicates its position in the search results.

By providing the exploit number with the "--explore" option, you can access a detailed view of that specific exploit, including its title, author, affected software, vulnerability description, code, references, and other relevant information.

Overall, the command "searchsploit --explore ${exploit_number}" allows you to explore and research a particular exploit in order to better understand its impact, usage, and countermeasures.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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