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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool searchsploit. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Searchsploit is a powerful command-line tool used for searching and exploiting vulnerabilities in various software and systems. It is included in the popular exploit database tool, Metasploit.

With searchsploit, users can search for specific exploits, vulnerabilities, papers, and shellcodes using various criteria such as software, platform, author, CVE number, and more. It provides a comprehensive and up-to-date database of known exploits and vulnerabilities.

Searchsploit is primarily used by penetration testers, security researchers, and ethical hackers to gather information and test the vulnerability of systems and software.

The tool supports tab-completion, making it easy to navigate and search through the extensive exploit database.

Searchsploit is written in Perl and supports regular expressions for advanced and flexible searches.

It allows users to view detailed information about exploits, including vulnerability descriptions, references, URLs, and file paths.

Searchsploit also features the ability to copy exploit files to a local directory for further analysis and testing.

Users can update the searchsploit database by running the "searchsploit -u" command to fetch the latest exploits from the repository.

The tool provides an intuitive interface with color-coded output, making it easier to identify relevant information quickly.

Searchsploit is an essential tool for anyone involved in security testing and vulnerability assessment, as it simplifies the process of finding and exploiting known vulnerabilities.

List of commands for searchsploit:

  • searchsploit:tldr:1b72e searchsploit: Open the resource to read with the pager defined in the `$PAGER` environment variable.
    $ searchsploit --explore ${exploit_number}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • searchsploit:tldr:5e52a searchsploit: Search for an exploit, shellcode, or paper.
    $ searchsploit ${search_terms}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • searchsploit:tldr:82648 searchsploit: Search for a known specific version, e.g. sudo version 1.8.27.
    $ searchsploit sudo 1.8.27
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • searchsploit:tldr:9ecff searchsploit: Make a copy of the resource to the current directory (requires the number of the exploit).
    $ searchsploit --mirror ${exploit_number}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • searchsploit:tldr:ca0fc searchsploit: Show the exploit-db link to the found resources.
    $ searchsploit --www ${search_terms}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • searchsploit:tldr:f556e searchsploit: Update the local exploit database.
    $ searchsploit --update
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview