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searchsploit: Update the local exploit database.
$ searchsploit --update
try on your machine

The searchsploit --update command is used to update the local database of the searchsploit tool.

searchsploit is a command-line utility used for searching and exploiting known vulnerabilities in various software applications. It uses a local database of vulnerabilities called the "Exploit Database" (EDB). This database contains detailed information about vulnerabilities, including the affected software, available exploits, and related references.

When you execute searchsploit --update, it fetches the latest version of the Exploit Database from the official source and updates the local database on your system. This ensures that you have access to the most up-to-date information about vulnerabilities when conducting searches or attempting to exploit them.

The --update option is used along with the searchsploit command to trigger the update process. It tells the tool to download and install any new or updated exploits and vulnerabilities from the internet into your local database.

By regularly running searchsploit --update, you can ensure that your local database is current and thereby increase the chances of finding the most recent vulnerabilities and corresponding exploits.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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