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secrethub: Audit a repository or secret.
$ secrethub audit ${path-to-repo_or_secret}
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The command secrethub audit ${path-to-repo_or_secret} is used to audit the access and usage of a repository or a secret in SecretHub.

The ${path-to-repo_or_secret} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual path to the repository or secret that you want to audit. This can be done by providing the full path, such as org/repo, or the relative path within a repository, such as org/repo/secret. It can also be a wildcard pattern to audit multiple repositories or secrets.

When you run this command, SecretHub checks the audit log for events related to the specified repository or secret. The audit log contains a record of all access and update events, allowing you to monitor who accessed or modified the repository or secret, when those actions occurred, and from which IP address.

This command helps you maintain visibility and control over the access and usage of sensitive information stored in SecretHub, enabling you to track and review any actions performed on the specified repository or secret. It is particularly useful for compliance and security purposes, as it allows you to detect any unauthorized access or suspicious activity.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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