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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool secrethub. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Secrethub is a command line tool that provides an efficient and secure way to manage sensitive credentials and configuration information. It allows users to securely store, manage, and share secrets such as passwords, API keys, and database connection strings.

With Secrethub, secrets are encrypted and stored in a secure repository, ensuring that they are protected from unauthorized access. The tool uses strong encryption algorithms and implements access controls to ensure that secrets are only accessible to authorized users or systems.

Secrethub provides a simple and user-friendly interface for managing secrets. Users can easily create, update, and delete secrets, as well as organize them into repositories and folders for better organization and access control.

The tool is designed to be easily integrated into existing workflows and systems. It comes with a powerful command-line interface and also provides APIs and SDKs for seamless integration with other tools and programming languages.

Secrethub supports collaboration by allowing users to securely share secrets with other team members or external collaborators. Access can be granted at different levels, ensuring that each user or system has the appropriate permissions to access and manage secrets.

The tool also provides detailed auditing and logging capabilities, allowing administrators to track and monitor activities related to secrets. This ensures accountability and helps in troubleshooting and identifying any potential security issues.

Secrethub is cross-platform, meaning that it can be used on different operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. This ensures that users can easily leverage the tool regardless of their preferred platform.

The tool is designed to scale, meaning that it can handle a large number of secrets and users without compromising performance or security. It provides a robust and scalable infrastructure to ensure a smooth experience even in high-demand scenarios.

Secrethub offers both free and paid plans, allowing users to choose the option that best fits their needs. The paid plans come with additional features such as advanced access controls, more storage capacity, and priority support.

Overall, Secrethub is a powerful and secure command line tool that simplifies the management of sensitive credentials and promotes secure collaboration within teams.

List of commands for secrethub:

  • secrethub:tldr:00f35 secrethub: Generate a random value and store it as a new or updated secret.
    $ secrethub generate ${path-to-secret}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • secrethub:tldr:458c9 secrethub: Audit a repository or secret.
    $ secrethub audit ${path-to-repo_or_secret}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • secrethub:tldr:525bb secrethub: Print a secret to `stdout`.
    $ secrethub read ${path-to-secret}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • secrethub:tldr:96d87 secrethub: Store a value from the clipboard as a new or updated secret.
    $ secrethub write --clip ${path-to-secret}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview