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sed: Execute a specific script [f]ile and print the result to `stdout`.
$ ${command} | sed -f ${path-to-script-sed}
try on your machine

This command performs a two-step operation.

First, it executes the command specified by ${command}. The output of this command is then piped (represented by the "|" symbol) as input to the sed command.

sed is a powerful stream editor in Unix-like systems. The -f flag specifies that a sed script will be used to modify the input.

${path-to-script-sed} represents the path to the sed script file that contains the editing instructions. The sed script file contains a series of commands and patterns that define how to modify the input data.

So, combining everything together, this command executes the command specified by ${command}, and then uses the sed command with the specified script file (${path-to-script-sed}) to modify the output of ${command}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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