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serialver: Display the serialVersionUID for a colon-separated list of classes and resources.
$ serialver -classpath ${path-to-directory} ${classname1:classname2:---}
try on your machine

The "serialver" command is a utility in Java used to generate a version identifier or serial version UID for a serializable class. This identifier is used for serializing and deserializing objects of the class, ensuring compatibility between different versions of the class.

Here's the breakdown of the command structure:

  • "serialver": This is the command itself, indicating that you want to use the "serialver" utility.
  • "-classpath": This flag is followed by the path to the directory where your class files are located. It specifies the classpath that the utility will use to locate the class you want to generate the serial version UID for.
  • "${path-to-directory}": This is a placeholder that you need to replace with the actual path to the directory where your class files reside.
  • "${classname1:classname2:---}": This is another placeholder that you need to replace with the name(s) of the class(es) for which you want to generate the serial version UID. You can specify multiple class names separated by colons (":").

In summary, the "serialver" command with the "-classpath" flag is used to generate serial version UID(s) for one or more serializable classes located in a specific directory.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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