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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool serialver. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Serialver is a command line tool that is provided by the Java Development Kit (JDK), starting from JDK 1.1, to generate unique version identifiers, also known as serialVersionUIDs, for Java serialized objects.

The primary purpose of serialver is to help developers maintain compatibility between different versions of serialized objects.

By using serialver, developers can ensure that serialized objects from different versions of a Java application can be properly deserialized and processed without encountering errors or inconsistencies.

When invoked with a specific class name, serialver calculates and displays the serialVersionUID for that class.

The serialVersionUID is a unique identifier that is automatically generated by the Java compiler based on the attributes of the class, such as the class hierarchy, fields, and methods.

Developers can manually provide their own serialVersionUID by declaring a static final long variable with the name serialVersionUID in their class.

The serialVersionUID value is stored within the serialized object and is used to verify if the serialized object is compatible with the current class definition.

By checking the serialVersionUID, the Java runtime can identify if any changes have been made to the class that could result in deserialization errors.

If the serialVersionUIDs of the serialized object and the current class do not match, an InvalidClassException is thrown at runtime.

Serialver is a useful tool for developers who are working with serialized objects and need to ensure backward and forward compatibility for their applications.

List of commands for serialver:

  • serialver:tldr:0433e serialver: Display the serialVersionUID of a class.
    $ serialver ${classnames}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • serialver:tldr:afff0 serialver: Display the serialVersionUID for a colon-separated list of classes and resources.
    $ serialver -classpath ${path-to-directory} ${classname1:classname2:---}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • serialver:tldr:c2db5 serialver: Use a specific option from reference page of Java application launcher to the Java Virtual Machine.
    $ serialver -Joption ${classnames}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
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