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serve: Start an HTTP server listening on the default port to serve the current directory.
$ serve
try on your machine

The command "serve" is a commonly used command in the context of serving a web application or website. When you run the "serve" command, it starts a local web server that hosts your application or website on your computer.

This command allows you to preview and test your application in a web browser without deploying it to a live web server. It typically serves the files located in a specified directory, making them accessible through a local URL. The URL might be something like "http://localhost:3000" or "", depending on the configuration.

By running the "serve" command, you can view your application in the browser and interact with it just as if it were deployed on a remote server. This is useful during development and testing phases as it provides a quick way to verify the functionality and appearance of your application without needing to upload it to a live server each time you make a change.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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