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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool serve. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The serve command line tool is often used to run local web servers. It allows developers to quickly preview their websites or web applications before deploying them to a production server. With a simple command, developers can start a lightweight server and access their files via a browser, mimicking the behavior of a production environment.

The serve tool also provides features like automatic reloading, allowing developers to see live changes in their websites without manually refreshing the browser. It sets up a development environment with helpful tools, such as browser synchronization, to ensure a smooth workflow. Serve supports various front-end frameworks and technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, React, Vue.js, and many more.

Users can specify a custom port number for the server, making it flexible to fit different project requirements. Additionally, it enables users to serve multiple directories at the same time, useful when projects are spread across multiple locations. Serve also supports SSL encryption, allowing for secure browsing and testing.

The command line tool is easy to install using package managers like npm, yarn, or Homebrew, ensuring a simple setup process. Serve is cross-platform, supporting Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. It has a minimalistic interface and can be customized with command line arguments or configuration files. Serve is widely used by developers around the world for local development and testing.

List of commands for serve:

  • serve:tldr:044a0 serve: Start an HTTPS server on the default port using the specified certificate.
    $ serve --ssl-cert ${path-to-cert-pem} --ssl-key ${path-to-key-pem}
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  • serve:tldr:08485 serve: Start an HTTP server on the default port using a specific configuration file.
    $ serve --config ${path-to-serve-json}
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  • serve:tldr:20cc3 serve: Start an HTTP server listening on the default port to serve the current directory.
    $ serve
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  • serve:tldr:82b34 serve: Start an HTTP server on a specific [p]ort to serve a specific directory.
    $ serve -p ${port} ${path-to-directory}
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  • serve:tldr:970a3 serve: Start an HTTP server with CORS enabled by including the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *` header in all responses.
    $ serve --cors
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  • serve:tldr:c48e2 serve: Display help.
    $ serve --help
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  • serve:tldr:dad09 serve: Start an HTTP server on the default port rewriting all not-found requests to the `index.html` file.
    $ serve --single
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tool overview