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serve: Start an HTTP server on the default port rewriting all not-found requests to the `index.html` file.
$ serve --single
try on your machine

The command "serve --single" is used to start a server that serves a single page or file.

When you run the "serve" command, it typically sets up a server that can handle requests and serve multiple files or directories. However, when you add the "--single" option, it indicates that you only want to serve a single page or file.

This is useful if you have a specific HTML file or any other type of file (such as an image or a PDF) that you want to share or access through a server. By running "serve --single", the server will be started, and it will serve the specified file when accessed through the appropriate URL.

For example, if you have a file named "index.html" in the directory where you run the command, "serve --single" will create a server that serves only the "index.html" file. You can access the file through the server by opening the URL specified by the server, such as "http://localhost:5000" in a web browser.

By default, the server listens on the local machine's loopback address ( and on a specific port (5000 in the example above). These can be customized based on your needs.

Overall, "serve --single" is a command to quickly start a server that serves a specific file, allowing you to view or share that file through a browser or any other client that can access the server.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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